If you’re feeling excited and inspired, one spot is meant for you! Schedule a call to reserve your spot and propel yourself into living your best and highest sovereign heartfelt life.

This 21-week program is for women who are ready to uplevel their lives and live with aligned purpose.
Spiritual and Transformational Coaching
for a Thriving Life

A Transformational Group Program for Women
Are you a woman who’s on a growth path in life? You seek to be your best self and may have attended workshops, or trainings or you love self-help books. Sometimes you create big shifts but have a hard time making them stick. Sometimes you wish you had someone on the journey with you to vent about how hard it is! If you’re like me, what has been the most helpful in creating true change in myself has been having an intentional, supportive community that is co-conspiring with me for my highest vision for myself. I’ve also talked with a lot of women who appreciate a loving and tight container in supportive community, to help them get over stumbling blocks that they couldn’t on their own. For some women, this looks like accountability, for some a loving reminder of her inner strength.
This 21-week Inner Alchemy program is set up to make anything less than true transformation impossible. You and 6 other inspired women will meet with me weekly for 21 weeks, moving through deep change on the energetic, spiritual, emotional and physical levels. This will be a safe, tight container that will catch you when needed, as you alchemize all the patterns, belief systems and ways of being that are ready to be composted and transformed into the unique and gorgeous garden that is you. We will hold each other energetically in our highest frequencies, allowing the stepping into our best and most aligned selves with self-love and grace.
And here’s the why. Because we are needed in the world as our highest and best selves. The power we have when we are in the frequency of inner truth and love impacts all the lives around us and beyond. I’m on a mission to support as many women as possible to do the Inner Alchemy to step into their inimitable power that will lead to an expanded, joyful life, and that the world is hungry for.
If you…
- Feel like you’ve lost yourself in your relationships
- Are not sure what your true needs and desires even are
- Are struggling to make changes to how you show up for your own wellbeing, for example feeling stuck around unhealthy and unhelpful eating habits
- Struggle to have healthy boundaries
- Notice yourself in patterns of pleasing or perfectionism, or
- Are not sure what your purpose is this lifetime
Let me offer you the transformational container of a lifetime to shift into
clarity, purpose and joy

We begin our journey by setting sacred space, holding one another’s highest visions, and diving deep into old patterns that are keeping us stuck. We learn how to identify these patterns and get unstuck from them, creating choices we didn’t know were possible before..

Next we get to work honoring our sacred vessel. How do we live our purpose into the world without taking special care of the body that allows us to live it? We shift unhealthy habits of eating, getting hydrated, even breathing. We find joyful movement and peaceful rest and our nervous systems find safety.

Now that we have transformed on the inside, we realign our outside world to support the higher frequency of love and joy that we have stepped in to. We examine our relationships, our home environment and create daily rituals to support our sacred becoming.
This absolutely transformative 21-week program will lead you through ALL the pieces you need to land back in yourself, more fully than ever before.
I will guide you through modules on:
Nourishing your energetic frequency
Referring to Lynne McTaggart’s research on the Power of Eight, you will be held energetically by the group in the highest version of yourself for the entire 21 weeks.
Understanding all of the parts of yourself that sometimes get in the way of meeting your goals in life
I will teach you about Inner Parts Work and how to use this to cultivate love and compassion for all parts of yourself, and therefore stop the old patterns that keep you stuck.
Creating a potent morning ritual to start your day off as your highest, most aligned self.
This will be a nourishing ritual that you come to LOVE and will become a touchstone for setting the tone for the life you want to create.
Upgrading your care of your miraculous body.
Together we will learn powerful breathing techniques, joyful movement, embark on a clean eating reset, engage in a true hydration protocol, and practice a water fast. Your body will be so thankful!
Balancing our masculine and feminine energies to create flow in life.
Creating sacred containers (masculine) allows for your sacred and creative flow (feminine). This principle will support you in creating the empowering structure your best life desires.
Easily connecting to your Inner Wisdom and Intuition to know how to move forward on a path of heartfelt purpose.
Your Inner Wisdom is always there for you, pointing the way, and this group will support you in tuning into her messages.
How to set the conditions in your environment to live your best life.
Sometimes boundaries are required, relationships reimagined, or a house decluttered.
Understanding the miracle of YOU and the unique Divine sovereign blueprint that wants to be lived out through you.
This is a special time to be living on this planet. You are here on purpose and when we know our connection to all beings and to Divinity, we can live as inspired and inspiring beings.
At the conclusion of these 21 weeks you will feel more aligned and attuned to your True Self than ever in your life. You will feel in touch with your intuition and your heart. You will have compassion for yourself in every way, and know what to do when you feel off track, whether it’s with a routine, or emotionally. You will feel at home in your body and will know how to treat her with the TLC she deserves. Designed for true change and depth, this journey is limited to 7 beautiful souls like yourself.

Weekly 90 min zoom calls for deep support

Video sequence dropped to you each week containing incredible information on the week’s topic and practice

Intentional group connection and support between calls

Inner Alchemy journal, recipe book and bonus videos if you want to geek out on certain topics

Three individual coaching sessions with yours truly spaced out throughout the program

- You’re looking for a supportive, tight container to help you clean up everything from your diet to your morning routine, in a way that’s in balance and sustainable
- You’re someone who has done a lot of healing work and is ready to integrate this into day to day life and create long lasting change
- You are committed to holding a safe container for the rest of the group and are ready and willing to go through a collective transformative experience.
- You are a mother who works from home and struggles to find balance of your own self-care and the needs of your family
- You want to know you’re part of something bigger, and that your inner work makes a difference
- You crave a community of women that relates authentically and that is supportive of your higher vision
- You are in transition, searching for your aligned purpose at this time in your life
- You are ready to both let go, and create the life you truly desire, at the same time!!
I’m a native of Asheville, NC. The mountains of this area, some of the oldest in the world, hold me and sustain me. I grew up connected to horses and the natural world and I’ve always had a curiosity as to how I fit into this vast universe.
I was called to the Social Work field during my 20’s and 30’s, finding deep meaning in supporting teens and adults work through deep trauma and attachment wounds. My education included a Masters in Social Work, and also a Masters in Applied Healing Arts. This latter program was grounded in Daoism and other Eastern Philosophies, teaching me and engaging me in practices of developing a deep knowing of my Oneness with all that is. My deepening understanding and inner knowing of the Divine within me, held me during my 12 years of practicing psychotherapy. I also steeped myself in somatic training and my own somatic work, learning that being present with the body is not separate from my divine essence, but a way to it.
Then, as always happens when we are on a growth path, I was confronted by my own shadow in a big way. I found myself in a situation where my strategies of being liked by everyone, doing everything “right”, and betraying my own boundaries in the name of “helping others” was actually doing harm. These strategies that had seemed to serve me so well in my life were actually a betrayal of myself. With my connection to Spirit, I slowly worked my way through this process and landed in my sovereignty in a way I didn’t know possible. I will never betray myself again in the way that I did. I now know, deep in my bones, that me showing up authentically and in integrity, no matter how others perceive me, is truly in the highest service to all. This experience catapulted me into high resonance with the spiritual coaching field, which has with it the energy and vibration of liberation and a thriving life. My personal life and work have come into alignment in a way that means I can hold space that’s transformative. I’m humbled and full of gratitude for this.

“If you have been circling some shifts you want to make in your life or are wanting to open yourself to the power and the possibilities of the universe but have been struggling to find the time and sustained effort to do so on your own, please consider this group. Together we have created a supportive, compassionate, curious, empowered, vulnerable and encouraging space which, collectively, has given strength to us as individuals to tap into a deeper and universal potential.” -Bri A, Inner Alchemy participant
“I am present and aware of the influences that are truly aligned with where I see myself in 5-10-15 years from today. I use my time much more efficiently. I feel safer and more at peace within myself. I have a lot more space around the contrasts in my life. I am healthier, in mind and body. Also my creativity has taken a central role in my life. ” – Alice K, Inner Alchemy participant
“Inner Alchemy was an anchor for me to feel completely held while I went through a deep process of transformation on every level— physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.” – Caroline P, Inner Alchemy participant
“In 21 weeks since we started this journey together, I have quit using nicotine after smoking for nearly 20 years. I have shifted my relationship to alcohol and food in a way that brings greater freedom and balance to my life. Possibilities have come into focus that seemed entirely out of reach before. I am mentally, physically, and spiritually healthier. I am more connected to myself, my community and the earth. I am walking through my days with increased confidence and inner calm.” – Bri A, Inner Alchemy participant